Sales Assistant, Office Administrator

Вакансія від:
  • Компанія:
  • Заробітна плата:
  • Графік роботи:
  • Місто:
  • Huntsman
  • договірна
  • повний робочий день
  • Київ

Вимоги до кандидата

  • Освіта:
  • Досвід роботи:
  • повна вища
  • не вимагається

Інформація про вакансію

Sales Assistant / Office Administrator

Role Overview:

WeВ currently have aВ vacancy for aВ Sales Assistant / Office Administrator atВ our Huntsman site inВ Kyiv, Ukraine.

The Sales Assistant / Office Administrator isВ accountable for the supply chain, customer service and administrative activities ofВ the Polyurethanes and HBS divisions inВ Ukraine. The position isВ key toВ support the local growth strategy.

Reporting toВ the General Manager Huntsman Ukraine, you will beВ responsible for managing the supply chain processes inВ the local organization, including the planning, import, customs clearance, inventory control and customer service for the products sold byВ the Polyurethanes and HBS divisions, administrative support and office management. This isВ aВ multitasking cross-functional role requiring deep and broad knowledge inВ the different and extensive experience.

Do you think you’re the right fit for this opportunity? Apply today here: Careers (!

Role Responsibilities:

AsВ aВ Sales Assistant / Office Administrator, you will beВ responsible for:

  • Processing orders efficiently, from receipt toВ dispatch and invoicing, ensuring accuracy.
  • Maintaining high-level customer service through timely responses toВ inquiries and effective communication.
  • Managing contract documents, pricing, and overseeing customer service-related credit and data management activities.
  • Planning and coordinate distribution ofВ imported and local goods, working closely with warehousing and logistics teams.
  • Monitoring and manage stock levels atВ the local warehouse, conducting regular inventory checks.
  • Coordinating customs clearance procedures for imported products, ensuring compliance with regulations and managing associated costs.

Experience and Competencies:

WeВ are looking for experienced candidates with excellent communication skills and aВ solution focused approach.

What weВ are looking for:

  • Bachelor’s orВ Master’s Degree with aВ few years ofВ experience inВ Supply Chain, Customer Service, orВ Commercial roles inВ aВ similar environment.
  • Strong experience inВ import and export trade isВ highly advantageous.
  • Proficient understanding ofВ customs procedures, regulations, and certification processes for importing goods into Ukraine.
  • Excellent proficiency inВ both English and Ukrainian languages.
  • Exceptional organizational and communication skills.
  • Strong customer focus with the ability toВ work independently and collaboratively within aВ team.

What next?

IfВ you would like toВ join anВ innovative, collaborative and multicultural team, please apply now here:В Careers (

Your application will beВ forwarded toВ aВ Talent Acquisition Partner, who will strive toВ get back toВ you asВ soon asВ they can. WeВ understand that applying for aВ new job isВ aВ big decision and weВ will work hard toВ keep you updated and support you along the way.

About Us:

AtВ Huntsman, weВ pride ourselves onВ being aВ people-oriented organization. Our family-like atmosphere isВ cultivated byВ our diverse groups ofВ team members around the world.

WeВ welcome the talent, experience and fresh ideas that employees atВ all stages ofВ their careers, from interns toВ seasoned professionals, bring toВ Huntsman.

InВ return, weВ offer you the opportunity toВ become anВ integral part ofВ aВ dynamic, industry-leading company, where safety and ethics always come first.


Наши проекты:

работа в Киеве и Украине на еженедельник "Пропоную Роботу" на срочно требуются на вакансии в Украине на
резюме в Украине на тренинги в Украине на аренда залов в Украине на должностные инструкции на

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