System Analist

Вакансія від:
  • Компанія:
  • Заробітна плата:
  • Графік роботи:
  • Місто:
  • Dopomoga Group Moldova
  • договірна
  • віддалена робота
  • Молдова

Вимоги до кандидата

  • Освіта:
  • Досвід роботи:
  • не має значення
  • від двох років

Інформація про вакансію

Our client, one of the largest and the most dynamic banks in Moldova with a well-developed infrastructure and a strong reputation in the international financial market, is announcing a vacant position of SYSTEM ANALYST, MOLDOVA

- Collecting, analyzing, and formalizing requirements and setting tasks for the development/finalization of information systems;
- Drafting and approving technical documentation (design solutions);
- Creating and adjusting functional and integration specifications;
- Evaluating software architectural implementation;
- Organizing and conducting grooming sessions with the project team;
- Drafting and finalizing mappings/plans.

- Minimum 2 years of experience as an analyst on development projects;
- Ability to analyze business processes, structure and describe requirements for their automation;
- Ability to profile data sources, identify patterns;
- Knowledge of REST/SOAP/XML/XSD technologies;
- Advanced SQL skills;
- Experience working with relational databases, creating medium complexity queries;
- Knowledge of software design, development, and testing methodologies;
- Experience interacting with business clients, ability to translate business requirements into technical requirements;
- Ability to identify product advantages and disadvantages and effectively communicate them to the project team;
- Creative thinking and ability to identify innovative solutions for arising situations;
- Knowledge and application of basic Agile principles and Scrum Framework;
- Experience working with Jira and Confluence.

- Working in one of the largest and most dynamic banks;
- Rewarding pay rate, individually established depending on candidate’s experience;
- Flexible work schedule: 8. 30 (9. 00) - 17.Показати . 00) (5/ 7).Оpportunity to work in hybrid or remote format;
- Performance-based bonuses;
- Holiday bonuses;
- Special conditions for banking products;
- Training budget;
- Participation in various interest clubs and team-building activities.

If you feel you have the required skills and experience to fulfill this role, please submit a copy of your CV to the e-mail:System Analist marked ”for the position of System analyst”. Additional information by phone: ... 500  (viber, whatsapp, telegram).  


Наши проекты:

работа в Киеве и Украине на еженедельник "Пропоную Роботу" на срочно требуются на вакансии в Украине на
резюме в Украине на тренинги в Украине на аренда залов в Украине на должностные инструкции на

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