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- Paylix Ukraine
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Looking for a Senior Python Engineer to join the team
Job overview:
outstaff company Webiz International LLC is looking for aВ Senior Python engineer for its client, you will develop new core components of our product. You will architect and implement complex services, such as online credit functionality, new Fundbox APIs, marketing and analytics tools, and much more. Our engineering team cares deeply about the speed, quality, and ease of our work, so we constantly strive to improve it by practicing continuous deployment, code reviews and automating everything.
Job requirements:
- At least 4+ years of industry experience as a senior Python Developer
- Designed and built a complex software solution from scratch
- Experienced in at least two programming languages.
- Experience with relational DBs
- Experience in Linux environment
- Experienced with micro-services architecture
- Experience with Redis, NoSQL DB
- Experience in AWS
Tech stack
PythonВ В Relational DatabasesВ В LinuxВ В RedisВ В AWS ECS/S 3В Intermediate English and upper
- Інші вакансії Senior Python Engineer
- Шукати вакансії в Києві на Jobs.ua
- Вакансії Senior Python Engineer
- Вакансии Senior Python Engineer в Киеве
- Вакансии Senior Python Engineer в Харькове
- Вакансии Senior Python Engineer в Днепре
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